
Terence Amis is the Associate Director of the Ludwig Engel Centre for Respiratory Research at The Westmead Institute.  He is a Principal Research Fellow in the Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, and Principal Hospital Scientist at Westmead Hospital.  After a career in academic veterinary medicine (University of Queensland; University of California, Davis) and research training (PhD) with Professor JMB Hughes at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, University of London, Terence has worked for over 25 years as a full-time medical research scientist in the Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, Westmead Hospital.


Physiology, Respiratory tract diseases, Sleep disorders


Healthy Ageing

Research Focus

His major research interests are respiratory physiology, upper airway mechanics, and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).

Other Affiliations

Sydney Medical School > Westmead Clinical School > Westmead Clinical School


  • BVSc (First Class Hons), University of Queensland
  • PhD, University of London