The Australian Breast Cancer Tissue Bank (ABCTB) is an open access, not for profit biobank established in 2005. It holds a large collection of tissue samples and associated data that are accessible to researchers worldwide to support their research into breast cancer.
The ABCTB holds samples of cancerous and normal breast tissue and blood collected during routine pathology from women with breast cancer. The bank also contains some information about the health and breast cancer treatment of donors. More than 10,000 samples have so far been provided to researchers internationally, resulting in numerous publications and clinical advances that have improved outcomes for women with breast cancer.
Researchers can apply to access the samples and information in the bank for breast cancer research projects investigating various aspects of the cancer including its causes, development or progression, diagnosis and treatment. The ABCTB considers the scientific merit and ethics of research projects before it provides access to samples and data. Where access is provided, the identities of the patient donors are not disclosed.
The ABCTB’s central management is located at the Westmead Institute. Collection centres and affiliate sites are distributed across Australia.
More details can be found on the bank’s website.