
  • From the Australian and New Zealand Registry of Advanced Glaucoma (ANZRAG) and genome wide association studies (GWAS) new genes were found of relevance to glaucoma.  We are interested in studying the most important pathway and role, and modulation of these relevant genes for RGC survival to pave the way for appropriate treatment for glaucoma in patients with already approved drugs. We have developed software that can accurately and reliably map out these pathways making targeted modulation of these genetic loci considerably simpler.
  • We have shown that Angiotensin II blockers have neuroprotective effect and hence can be used in the treatment of glaucoma. We are interested to see if these neuroprotective agents can be augmented through activity of GWAS significant genes, paving the way for relatively cheap ‘tailor made’ glaucoma therapies for susceptible individuals where the mechanism of action can be clearly understood.  There is also some very recent evidence that not only do Angiotensin II blockers have direct neuroprotective properties on retinal ganglion cells,  possibly via modulation of GWAS significant glaucoma genes, but they may subtly alter properties of fibroblasts and sclera helping to confer additional protection. Connective tissue modulation properties of these drugs have been known for some time in the cardiovascular literature. It may be that these drugs have multiple uses in the management of glaucoma. We are interested in developing a targeted drug delivery for treatment of glaucoma using this as a model and so we aim to develop a non-invasive, localised delivery system for these medications.  As we can directly see the drug targeting in the eye, this may serve as a model for targeted drug delivery to other parts of the body.
  • We are using big data, neural networks and image analysis techniques to help identify patients most at risk of losing vision from glaucoma and so most in need of aggressive follow up and treatment. As part of that we are developing new portable devices and add-ons to smartphones that may aid this process. We are working with the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Sydney to develop other new devices to aid in the treatment of eye diseases.