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  • Wheatley, J., Amis, T., Lee, S., Ciesla, R., Shanga, G. (2019). Objective and Subjective Effects of a Prototype Nasal Dilator Strip on Sleep in Subjects with Chronic Nocturnal Nasal Congestion. Advances in Therapy. 36 (7) , 1657-1671. [More Information]

  • Lambeth, C., Wang, Z., Kairaitis, K., Moshfegh, A., Jabbarzadeh-Khoei, A., Amis, T. (2018). Modelling mucosal surface roughness in the human velopharynx: a computational fluid dynamics study of healthy and obstructive sleep apnea airways. Journal of Applied Physiology. 125 (6) , 1821-1831. [More Information]
  • Lambeth, C., Wang, Z., Kairaitis, K., Moshfegh, A., Jabbarzadeh-Khoei, A., Amis, T. (2018). Modelling mucosal surface roughness in the human velopharynx: a computational fluid dynamics study of healthy and obstructive sleep apnea airways. Journal of Applied Physiology. 125 (6) , 1821-1831. [More Information]
  • Lambeth, C., Wang, Z., Kairaitis, K., Moshfegh, A., Jabbarzadeh-Khoei, A., Amis, T. (2018). Modelling mucosal surface roughness in the human velopharynx: a computational fluid dynamics study of healthy and obstructive sleep apnea airways [Forthcoming]. Journal of Applied Physiology. [More Information]

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  • Lambeth, C., Wang, Z., Kairaitis, K., Moshfegh, A., Jabbarzadeh-Khoei, A., Amis, T. (2018). Modelling mucosal surface roughness in the human velopharynx: a computational fluid dynamics study of healthy and obstructive sleep apnea airways [Forthcoming]. Journal of Applied Physiology. [More Information]
  • Wang, J., Shi, Y., Xie, J., Tan, A., Hogdson, L., Lee, S., Wickens, M., Cosatto, V., Kairaitis, K., Lindley, R., Mitchell, P., Wheatley, J., Amis, T., et al (2018). Pupil Dilation May Affect Retinal Vessel Caliber Measures. Ophthalmic Epidemiology. 25 (3) , 234-237. [More Information]
  • Wang, J., Shi, Y., Xie, J., Tan, A., Hogdson, L., Lee, S., Wickens, M., Cosatto, V., Kairaitis, K., Lindley, R., Mitchell, P., Wheatley, J., Amis, T., et al (2018). Pupil Dilation May Affect Retinal Vessel Caliber Measures. Ophthalmic Epidemiology. 25 (3) , 234-237. [More Information]

  • Lambeth, C., Kolevski, B., Amis, T., Kairaitis, K. (2017). Feedback modulation of surrounding pressure determines the onset of negative effort dependence in a collapsible tube bench model of the pharyngeal airway. Journal of Applied Physiology. 123 (5) , 1118-1125. [More Information]
  • Lambeth, C., Kolevski, B., Amis, T., Kairaitis, K. (2017). Feedback modulation of surrounding pressure determines the onset of negative effort dependence in a collapsible tube bench model of the pharyngeal airway. Journal of Applied Physiology. 123 (5) , 1118-1125. [More Information]
  • Wang, J., Shi, Y., Xie, J., Tan, A., Hogdson, L., Lee, S., Wickens, M., Cosatto, V., Kairaitis, K., Lindley, R., Mitchell, P., Wheatley, J., Amis, T., et al (2017). Pupil Dilation May Affect Retinal Vessel Caliber Measures. Ophthalmic Epidemiology. In Press , 1-4. [More Information]

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  • Wang, J., Shi, Y., Xie, J., Tan, A., Hogdson, L., Lee, S., Wickens, M., Cosatto, V., Kairaitis, K., Lindley, R., Mitchell, P., Wheatley, J., Amis, T., et al (2017). Pupil Dilation May Affect Retinal Vessel Caliber Measures. Ophthalmic Epidemiology. In Press , 1-4. [More Information]
  • Wang, J., Shi, Y., Xie, J., Tan, A., Hogdson, L., Lee, S., Wickens, M., Cosatto, V., Kairaitis, K., Lindley, R., Mitchell, P., Wheatley, J., Amis, T., et al (2017). Pupil Dilation May Affect Retinal Vessel Caliber Measures. Ophthalmic Epidemiology. 25 (3) , 234-237. [More Information]
  • Wang, J., Shi, Y., Xie, J., Tan, A., Hogdson, L., Lee, S., Wickens, M., Cosatto, V., Kairaitis, K., Lindley, R., Mitchell, P., Wheatley, J., Amis, T., et al (2017). Pupil Dilation May Affect Retinal Vessel Caliber Measures. Ophthalmic Epidemiology. 25 (3) , 234-237. [More Information]
  • Lambeth, C., Amatoury, J., Wang, Z., Foster, S., Amis, T., Kairaitis, K. (2017). Velopharyngeal mucosal surface topography in healthy subjects and subjects with obstructive sleep apnea. Journal of Applied Physiology. 122 (3) , 482-491. [More Information]
  • Lambeth, C., Amatoury, J., Wang, Z., Foster, S., Amis, T., Kairaitis, K. (2017). Velopharyngeal mucosal surface topography in healthy subjects and subjects with obstructive sleep apnea. Journal of Applied Physiology. 122 (3) , 482-491. [More Information]

  • Amatoury, J., Cheng, S., Kairaitis, K., Wheatley, J., Amis, T., Bilston, L. (2016). Development and validation of a computational finite element model of the rabbit upper airway: simulations of mandibular advancement and tracheal displacement. Journal of Applied Physiology. 120 (7) , 743-757. [More Information]

  • Perri, R., Kairaitis, K., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2015). Anthropometric and craniofacial sexual dimorphism in obstructive sleep apnea patients: is there male-female phenotypical convergence?. Journal of Sleep Research. 24 (1) , 82-91. [More Information]
  • Amatoury, J., Kairaitis, K., Wheatley, J., Bilston, L., Amis, T. (2015). Peripharyngeal tissue deformation, stress distributions and hyoid bone movement in response to mandibular advancement. Journal of Applied Physiology. 118 (3) , 282-291. [More Information]
  • Kairaitis, K., Foster, S., Amatoury, J., Verma, M., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2015). Pharyngeal mucosal wall folds in subjects with obstructive sleep apnea. Journal of Applied Physiology. 118 (6) , 707-715. [More Information]

  • Amatoury, J., Kairaitis, K., Wheatley, J., Bilston, L., Amis, T. (2014). Peripharyngeal tissue deformation and stress distributions in response to caudal tracheal displacement: Pivotal influence of the hyoid bone?. Journal of Applied Physiology. 116 (7) , 746-756. [More Information]
  • Gehring, J., Cho, J., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2014). Response characteristics for thermal and pressure devices commonly used for monitoring nasal and oral airflow during sleep studies. Physiological Measurement.
  • Gehring, J., Cho, J., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2014). Response characteristics for thermal and pressure devices commonly used for monitoring nasal and oral airflow during sleep studies. Physiological Measurement. 35 , 455-470. [More Information]

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  • Milne, S., Amis, T., Wheatley, J., Kairaitis, K. (2014). Sensitivity and specificity of hypopnoea detection using nasal pressure in the presence of a nasal expiratory resistive device (Provent�). Physiological Measurement. 35 (12) , 2447-2458. [More Information]
  • Milne, S., Amis, T., Wheatley, J., Kairaitis, K. (2014). Sensitivity and specificity of hypopnoea detection using nasal pressure in the presence of a nasal expiratory resistive device (Provent�). Physiological Measurement. 35 (12) , 2447-2458. [More Information]
  • Milne, S., Amis, T., Wheatley, J., Kairaitis, K. (2014). Sensitivity and specificity of hypopnoea detection using nasal pressure in the presence of a nasal expiratory resistive device (Provent®). Physiological Measurement. 35 (12) , 2447-2458. [More Information]
  • Perri, R., Kairaitis, K., Cistulli, P., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2014). Surface cephalometric and anthropometric variables in osa patients: statistical models for the osa phenotype. Sleep and Breathing. 18 (1) , 39-52. [More Information]

  • Narayan, J., Amatoury, J., Verma, M., Kairaitis, K., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2013). Resetting the baroreflex during snoring: Role of resistive loading and intra-thoracic pressure. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 185 (3) , 489-496. [More Information]
  • Kairaitis, K., Amatoury, J., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2013). The upper airway’s next top model? Letter to the Editor in response to CrossTalk: The human upper airway does/does not behave like a Starling resistor during sleep. Journal of Physiology-Paris. 2013 , 1-2.

  • Kairaitis, K., Verma, M., Amatoury, J., Wheatley, J., White, D., Amis, T. (2012). A threshold lung volume for optimal mechanical effects on upper airway airflow dynamics: studies in an anesthetized rabbit model. Journal of Applied Physiology. 112 (7) , 1197-1205. [More Information]
  • Narayan, J., Amatoury, J., Cho, J., Verma, M., Kairaitis, K., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2012). Snoring effects on the baroreflex: An animal model. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 180 (2-3) , 342-351. [More Information]

  • Teo, M., Amis, T., Lee, S., Falland, K., Lambert, S., Wheatley, J. (2011). Equivalence of nasal and oronasal masks during initial CPAP titration for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Sleep. 34 (7) , 951-955. [More Information]
  • Kirkness, J., Verma, M., McGinley, B., Erlacher, M., Schwartz, A., Smith, P., Wheatley, J., Patil, S., Amis, T., Schneider, H. (2011). Pitot-tube flowmeter for quantification of airflow during sleep. Physiological Measurement. 32 (2) , 223-237. [More Information]
  • Kairaitis, K., Foster, S., Martin, J., Verma, M., Amatoury, J., Korgaonkar, M., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2011). Subjects with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea have a reduced number of velopharyngeal folds compared with healthy subjects.. Australasian Sleep Association and Australasian Sleep Technologists Association, 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting.

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  • Cho, J., Witting, P., Verma, M., Wu, B., Shanu, A., Kairaitis, K., Amis, T., Wheatley, J. (2011). Tissue Vibration Induces Carotid Artery Endothelial Dysfunction: A Mechanism Linking Snoring and Carotid Atherosclerosis?. Sleep. 34 (6) , 751-757C. [More Information]

  • Amatoury, J., Kairaitis, K., Wheatley, J., Bilston, L., Amis, T. (2010). Onset of Airflow Limitation in a Collapsible Tube Model: Impact of Surrounding Pressure, Longitudinal Strain and Wall Folding Geometry. Journal of Applied Physiology. 109 (5) , 1467-1475. [More Information]

  • Kairaitis, K., Howitt, L., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2009). Mass loading of the upper airway extraluminal tissue space in rabbits: effects on tissue pressure and pharyngeal airway lumen geometry. Journal of Applied Physiology. 106 (3) , 887-892. [More Information]
  • Kairaitis, K., Verma, M., Fish, V., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2009). Pharyngeal muscle contraction modifies peri-pharyngeal tissue pressure in rabbits. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 166 (2) , 95-101. [More Information]

  • Hallani, M., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2008). Enforced mouth breathing decreases lung function in mild asthmatics. Respirology. 13 (4) , 553-558. [More Information]
  • Lee, S., Amis, T., Byth Wilson, K., Larcos, G., Kairaitis, K., Robinson, T., Wheatley, J. (2008). Heavy snoring as a cause of carotid artery atherosclerosis. Sleep. 31 (9) , 1207-1213.
  • Hallani, M., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2008). Initiating oral breathing in response to nasal loading: asthmatics versus healthy subjects. European Respiratory Journal. 31 , 800-806. [More Information]

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  • Lam, J., Kairaitis, K., Verma, M., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2008). Saliva production and surface tension: influences on patency of the passive upper airway. The Journal of Physiology. 586 (22) , 5537-5547. [More Information]

  • Howitt, L., Kairaitis, K., Kirkness, J., Garlick, S., Wheatley, J., Byth, K., Amis, T. (2007). Oscillatory Pressure Wave Transmission from the Upper Airway to the Carotid Artery. Journal of Applied Physiology. 103 (5) , 1622-1627.
  • Kairaitis, K., Byth Wilson, K., Parikh, R., Stavrinou, R., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2007). Tracheal Traction Effects on Upper Airway Patency in Rabbits: The Role of Tissue Pressure. Sleep. 30 (2) , 179-186.

  • Verma, M., Seto-Poon, M., Wheatley, J., Amis, T., Kirkness, J. (2006). Influence of breathing route on upper airway lining liquid surface tension.. The Journal of Physiology. 574 , 859-866.
  • Kairaitis, K., Stavrinou, R., Parikh, R., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2006). Mandibular advancement decreases pressures in the tissues surrounding the upper airway in rabbits.. Journal of Applied Physiology. 100 (1) , 349-356.
  • Kirkness, J., Verma, M., Maly, J., Wheatley, J., Amis, T., Smith, P., Schwartz, A., Schneider, H. (2006). Quantification of inspiratory airflow obstruction using a novel light-weight flowmeter. SLEEP, the 20th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC (APSS) 2006. 29 , A340-A340.

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  • Amatoury, J., Howitt, L., Wheatley, J., Avolio, A., Amis, T. (2006). Snoring-related energy transmission to the carotid artery in rabbits.. Journal of Applied Physiology. 100 (5) , 1547-1553.

  • Kirkness, J., Christenson, H., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2005). Application of the 'pull-off' force method for measurement of surface tension of upper airway mucosal lining liquid.. Physiological Measurement. 26 (5) , 677-688.
  • Seto-Poon, M., Madronio, M., Kirkness, J., Amis, T., Byth Wilson, K., Lim, C. (2005). Decrement of the skin conductance response to repeated volitional inspiration. Clinical Neurophysiology. 116 (5) , 1172-1180. [More Information]
  • Kirkness, J., Madronio, C., Stavrinou, R., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2005). Surface tension of upper airway mucosal lining liquid in obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome.. Sleep. 28 (4) , 457-463.

  • Madronio, M., Somma, E., Stavrinou, R., Kirkness, J., Goldfinch, E., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2004). Older Individuals Have Increased Oro-Nasal Breathing During Sleep.. European Respiratory Journal. 24 (1) , 71-77.

  • Kirkness, J., Christenson, H., Garlick, S., Parikh, R., Kairaitis, K., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2003). Decreased surface tension of upper airway mucosal lining liquid increases upper airway patency in anaesthetised rabbits. The Journal of Physiology. 547 (2) , 603-611.
  • Kirkness, J., Eastwood, P., Szollosi, I., Platt, P., Wheatley, J., Amis, T., Hillman, D. (2003). Effect of surface tension of mucosal lining liquid on upper airway mechanics in anesthetized humans. Journal of Applied Physiology. 95 , 357-363.
  • Kirkness, J., Madronio, M., Stavrinou, R., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2003). Relationship between surface tension of upper airway lining liquid and upper airway collapsibility during sleep in obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome. Journal of Applied Physiology. 95 (5) , 1761-1766.

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  • Kairaitis, L., Parikh, R., Stavrinou, R., Garlick, S., Kirkness, J., Wheatley, J., Amis, T. (2003). Upper airway extraluminal tissue pressure fluctuations during breathing in rabbits. Journal of Applied Physiology. 95 (4) , 1560-1566.